Day: December 5, 2008

French Teacher Goes To Morocco

By Madeline Alden Ms. Casanova has been honored to participate in a teacher exchange program that involves traveling to Morocco. She plans on traveling to Morocco with five other French teachers who she will meet up with on October 29 in Washington D.C. For six weeks, Casanova will be staying in Casablanca while working alongside an English teacher at the Mohammad VI High School. She

New Security

  A new security system at Branford High School has been implemented this school year is causing concerns to students of all grades, especially upperclassmen. The issue is in regards to not having access outside.  After 8:30 AM, all doors leading outside are to be locked.  This means students or visitors must be buzzed in at the front entrance after 8:30 until the end of the day.  This will make

The Truth About Teenage Driving

by Merissa Blitz       Now that we’re all in highschool, driving to school, and to other places, has become more common. Friends drive each other to school, to afterschool activities, to parties, and much more. However, laws passed on August 1st have made these pastimes a little harder to partake in. To be eligible for a driver’s license, a teen that has recieved a permit after August 1, 2008 has to complete