Category: Front feature

After Branford, Let’s Get Out of our Comfort Zones

By Maggie Martin We all have a basic assumption of what a college campus will look like. Mine is a mixture between the depiction of Harvard from “Legally Blonde” and Yale from “Gilmore Girls.” Massive brick buildings, ancient oak trees, overly caffeinated and overly opinionated adolescents. I imagine some of the jittery students, from all walks of life, all with different ideas. Really crunchy granola

Blumenthal Visits BHS for Town Hall Meeting

By Andrew DeBenedictis On Monday, April 2nd, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn) visited the Branford High School Auditorium to hold a town hall-style meeting with Branford students. Blumenthal took questions on topics everything from gun control and school safety to immigration, the opioid epidemic, and prison reform. Students received a unique opportunity to speak to a member of Congress face to face, without limitation or

The First Two Months of School and… What the Heck Happened?

By Abby Boyle Ok, so first quarter is over, but what the heck happened in Branford High School in September and October? Every student knows that there has been some major events at Branford High to break up the routine of our everyday lives. And even though we all know the behavior at Branford High can showcase some of the worst in is, there is

I Saw the Sign: September Tarotscopes

By Sarah Marsland I know what you’re thinking. What the heck is a tarotscope? BHS, allow me to introduce you to the exciting (and kind of insane) world of tarot cards. Over the summer, while procrastinating on my AP work, I happened to pick up a deck of these so-called “magic” cards to see for myself if there was anything to them. I’d been watching tarot

Tips to Survive Branford High School

By Abby Boyle Welcome to Branford High! We are almost done with our first month of school and this article is going out to all newcomers to the high school. By this time you probably have all the basics of high schools down. Like where your classes are, and how you don’t sit on the senior balcony couches! But since high school is fairly new, here

BHS Reacts To New President Trump: A Series of Photos

By Madeleine Mattson With Donald Trump set to be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America today, the Buzz has looked back at the last three months at Branford High School since the contentious election. Below are a series of pictures and statements from BHS students reacting to the transfer of power. From tears, to free hugs, to cheers of

A Look Back At The 11 Best Albums of 2016

By Sarah Marsland 2016 has not exactly been an easy year. Amidst the chaos and divisiveness of the election, seemingly constant news stories of conflict and violence, and the uncertainty of what lies ahead both within America and abroad, at times it has been hard to find something worth celebrating. Internet memes proclaiming that 2016 will go down in the books as “the worst year in

10 Things You Said Freshman Year at BHS That You Would Never Say Now

By Sarah Marsland 1. “This school is SO. BIG.” You thought you’d never find your way around Branford High School. But now you know it’s literally just one big rectangle.   2. “Best friends forever!” Half the people you talked to freshman year aren’t in your life anymore. But that’s okay – people change. You’re not bitter or anything.   3. “I hate Walsh.” You

Teen Motherhood: A Life is Created, Does One Have to Be Ruined?

By Matilda Kreider I’m sitting in a classroom in my high school with a girl I’ve known since middle school, preparing for an interview. We are the same age and we grew up in the same town, but our lives exist on different planes. I’m still just someone’s daughter, but she is someone’s mother. With that knowledge in mind, I expect things between us to

Spring 2016 Sports Roundup- and What’s Going on with the Turf?

By Matilda Kreider First, you must have noticed that the turf and track at BHS are pretty much… gone. On June 6th, crews began the process of tearing up and replacing the James MacVeigh Athletic Complex’s turf field and track. The $750,000 project should be completed by mid-August, in time for the start of fall sports. The school year has ended, and so have most