Category: Front feature

Hypnosis Show Put on by Junior Class

By Marisa Kaplita Editor-In-Chief Why spend $11.00 on a movie ticket when you could have gotten high quality entertainment for four dollars less?  The junior class’ February 7th fundraiser that featured Steve Wronker Funny Business was not only a success at raising money, but it kept the whole audience roaring with laughter. Students watched on as over a dozen classmates were set in a trance,

How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with…

by The Buzz Editors Your significant other: Don’t kid yourself, you’re in high school and broke so don’t overdo it. Don’t buy gifts that are way over your budget, the experience is better than any big gift. And remember a nice gift of flowers and chocolate goes a long way. Your Friends: Plan a night in with your buds and forget all the couples filling

How to Make the Most of this Blizzard

by Marisa Kaplita Editor-In-Chief Make the most of this day off. This day is a gift so don’t spend it all day on the couch. Set your alarm clock early so you don’t spend the whole day asleep or in that awkward half asleep mood.  Do a quick workout by watching videos on YouTube because you won’t be able to leave for the gym, and

Board of Education Evaluates Fiscal Budget

  By Samantha Bailey-Loomis Superintendent  Hamlet Hernandez unveiled his proposed $51.8 million budget to the Board of Education last week, focusing on “systemic improvement by reallocating resources.” Moving quickly into the New Year, much like year’s past, the Board of Education holds its budget meetings to review, reflect, and reform Branford’s public schools, learning and evaluation strategies, and other programs held accountable by the Board.

Who is BHS’s attendance officer?

By Brittany Butler Here at Branford High School there’s a new attendance officer. At some point during the four years attending this school, everybody will interact with her, whether its through the phone or just stepping into her office to get a pass. Who really is the woman that sits behind the desk and takes everybody’s phone calls? What is the job really like? Everybody

BHS Health Center Ready to Give Flu Shots

By Cassidy McCarns During one of worst flu seasons in recent memory, the School Based Health Center at Branford High School is trying to make it more convenient for BHS students to get the flu vaccine shot. The vaccine is available for anyone who signs up with the SBHC. Students can come during the school day to receive the shot so they won’t be forced

Vandalism or Religious Intolerance?

By Sam Bailey-Loomis Gravestones tipped, churches vandalized, sacred places of worship destroyed: is it just vandalism or something more? According to an annual study composed by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life claimed that “The U.S. saw a rise for the first time, particularly at the state and local level, where incidents restricting religious groups from practicing their faith were up.”

Branford High School Goes Green

    By Matthew Kerrigan Over the past 10 years Branford High School has aggressively made improvements to become more environmentally friendly, but how Eco-friendly has it become? For example, many students question Branford High School’s recycling efforts. “Everyone thinks the janitors just dump the recycling bins in the trash, so no one goes out of their way to recycle,” said Simon Mcgann, a junior at Branford

College Life After BHS

By Brianna Boteler Branford High School students who head off to college may be leaving Branford, but according to a new report released by the Guidance Department most BHS students stay close to home. The Summary Report released by guidance shows all of the statistics on the class of 2012, including what colleges the majority of students applied to. Many of those top schools are