Post High School Advice From a BHS Grad

Jess Parker graduated BHS in 2013. Photo courtesy by Jess Parker

By Gina Marino

Jess Parker may attend the University of Delaware, but the 2013 BHS grad is reaching out to students about life after high school.

Although not everybody may attend college after graduating high school, for those that did, it seems as though a different story always comes back with them. Jess was happy to say she’s been having a positive college experience and she has some insight for soon-to-be high school graduates about life after BHS. Jess said that her day to day life has changed, and she tiredly responded by adding, “day to day life has changed in the sense that I’m doing things like making dinner, doing laundry, keeping up with a bunch more work, and basically managing myself without somebody there for little reminders.”

In reference to the difference of academics in high school to those of college, Jess stated that school work takes up much more of her time, and that college isn’t as lenient as high school was. “When my professors say work is due, they mean it. It seems as if I’ve spent more hours in the library these past two months alone, than I had in all of high school.”

Therefore, Jess said college has changed her, as she proudly replied by saying, “I feel that college has definitely made me more independent.” Jess also added that with independence comes responsibility, with any college student. Taking the initiative to do your work, keep up with classes, “home life”, it’s all a part of the package.

Aside from the schooling portion of college, students like to experience what they would call “downtime”. Jess noted that meeting people has gone pretty well, and gives credit to being involved in a sport as part of the reason. Jess runs for the Triathlon Club at University of Delaware, and has had the opportunity to meet many new people, who she now can call friends. Her roommates have contributed as well, and Jess happily said that the people on campus have been very friendly.

Freshman year of college for Jess Parker may have only started two short months ago, but aside from all the craziness, Jess said that things are finally starting to feel normal. “Now that the year is starting to get into full swing, it’s much easier to enjoy the journey”. Aside from that, Jess said her best advice would be to stay on top of your game as best as you can, but  remember to have fun along the journey.

Are you ready for life after BHS? Let us know in the comments or via Twitter @branfordbuzz.

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